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This story is a sequel to How to Catch a Fluttershy

Three of their friends have been successfully pranked. So far, there have been Apple farmers on a fishing line, a bookworm on a willing-to-kill rampage over a rare classic novel, and a woodland critter tea party to catch a butter-coloured, nature-loving mare off-guard. But no pink party pony. All other friends down, her turn has come up to be next in line!

Some creative thinking will have to be involved, as Pinkie Pie is Ponyville's - and possibly all of Equestria's - most notoriously famous prankster. Not a single pony alive can get by her with a joke she hasn't heard of herself, so each prank must be thought of with well-thought tactics. The Pink El Diablo will either win and sing with glee, or weep in the willows.

With the stakes raised to a whole new and higher bar, Rainbow Dash and Dom must put some thought into their little betting pool for what they may want. With Pinkie in their sights, who will win or lose this challenging bet?

Chapters (5)

Apple Bloom is a pony you've spent most of your time with and come to view as a little sister. That being said, you've watched her grow up from a playful and adventurous little filly into the independent mare she is today. You've seen her relish in her moments of triumph following earning her cutie mark and you've seen her at some of the lowest points in her life when she needed somebody to be there for her.

You've always been there for her when she needed that shoulder to lean on, as rare as that event takes place, but you know she requires you to be there when she comes home in a bruised and battered mess after spending time with her coltfriend. Learning what he had done to her, you take it upon yourself to show this stallion what happens when they hurt your little sister.


WARNING: Before reading, understand that this is a non-consensual fic and involves some heavy stuff and a topic I never write for due to personal reasons. It hurt to write this.

Does NOT contain any sexual scenes, but is clearly stated what happened, so is Teen rated.


FEATURED (briefly) 04/10/2020...twice.


Cover art credit: https://www.deviantart.com/lady-jay-bird/art/Sad-Apple-Bloom-576628860

Chapters (1)

As a child, Jacob was never much for people. Yet, he longed for friends. The people he was surrounded by were never appealing to him. Too annoying, too grumpy, too arrogant. Disagreeable personality, or too nice to the point it seems arrogant. Jacob didn't like people. There wasn't a single person that he found was like him. He preferred being alone, watching television, or reading. This process of watching TV alone followed him into his adulthood, where he discovered My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A world of life and love. Something vastly different than his life. Like many other fans, he wished to go to Equestria. Where the world didn't seem to fake. Well, his guardian angel arrives in his dreams to grant the depressed man his wish. However, what awaits him is a familiar feeling. Solitude. Where the only thing that moves is dust. Only Dust.

Chapters (1)

Doing a get-together on Hearth's Warming Eve with the Mane 6, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer, Eric Reed made an offhand comment about Santa Claus. It brought to his attention that Twilight, Starlight, Spike, and Sunset (and possibly Pinkie Pie) are the only Equestrians who knew who Santa is.

So, Eric told the rest of the Mane 6 about the legend of Santa Claus. But little did he know as he told his story that it gave a couple of ponies ideas...

It's not required to do so to enjoy this story, but if you want to learn how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria, check out A Giant Adventure to Equestria. Or When Dating a Sunset... to learn where Eric and Sunset became a couple, although the relationship only plays a very minor role in this story.

Chapters (2)

Prepare yourself for the most intense battle of all time as Twilight Sparkle, Lukas and all of their friends try to protect Equestria from the three most evilest villains in all of Equestria, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. Can Twilight and her friends save Equestria? Will the villains be defeated and what will happen in the future for our friends? Find out in this epic tale of friendship and evil as they try to make a stand for their kingdom.

Chapters (5)

Lukas was an average human, he went to school, he had friends and hobbies. He has had some really crazy stuff happen in his life, but this event clearly takes the cake. After getting involved in an accident, he ends up in a magical and very peculiar place, the land of Equestria. At first, the citizens of Ponyville are terrified of the human, after all, they have never seen a creature like Lukas before, but after a few days, they start to warm up to the human and the same goes for Lukas. Follow Lukas as he tries to get used to this new world with his new and very colorful friends by his side.

Chapters (4)

Ever the researcher, Princess Twilight Sparkle had spent some of her free time studying anything that piqued her interest–as long as it was legal and (usually) didn't do any harm.

However, she was never interested in studying the enjoyment of ear scratches. Until now.

With Eric Reed's help, Twilight tests some of her favorite guinea pigs friends to learn which of them likes their ears being scratched the most.

Oh, and Eric and the ear-scratch testees think Twilight's idea is weird too.

This story takes place after the events of my A Giant Adventure to Equestria story. However, it's not required to read it first to enjoy this story (and laugh), other than to learn how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria, and how his bonds with the other characters formed.

Last but not least, special thanks to TheBrokenBrony for pre-reading and proofreading this story.

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash and Eric Reed accidentally got Apple Bloom injured, they found themselves begging a furious Applejack for forgiveness – or at least hope she wouldn't kill them. They even claimed that they would do anything she dared them to do, even if it was painful.

Applejack would take her friends up on their offer with some dares. To win Applejack's forgiveness, Rainbow and Eric would have to cuddle, maybe even kiss, in public! They might have had little problems with it if they were a couple, but since they were not...

Entry for CategoricalGrant's CuddleFic Contest. If it wins, it probably means the end of the world is near.:rainbowlaugh:

This story takes place after the events of my A Giant Adventure to Equestria story. However, it is not required to read it first to enjoy this story, other than to learn how and why Eric Reed is in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

While in the middle of a cuddle session, Sunset Shimmer and Eric Reed decided to play "Would You Rather?" It went smoothly until Sunset asked a big question that made Eric squirm, and she made sure he wouldn't get away without answering.

Contains mostly light-hearted fluff.

While it's not required to read either to understand this story, but to learn more how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria, check out A Giant Adventure to Equestria, or When Dating a Sunset... if you want to see how Eric and Sunset became a couple.

Chapters (1)

What if one day you woke up suddenly drowning? The only saving grace you had was a multitude of pink limbs pulling you out and the next thing you knew you’re surrounded by dozens of Pinkie clones... and that you were one of them.

Chapters (2)